Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New year

Well the year is just about up. Tonight I will hang around and watch the ball drop and maybe have a drink to the year that was. But I wont hold onto the past for to long. I learned along time ago it is best to move swiftly through life and try your best then to linger and wish for what might have been. I have regrets like anyone else but in all when I find myself in the comfort of my family I am happy. I have an amazing child and a wife I adore, thats more then most. I am better for it. So no new years resolution for me I stopped making them about the same time I stopped wishing for things and started trying to make them happen.

Well thats my pearl of wisdom on this strange little holiday. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday. Please don't drink and drive! See ya all next year.

Watchmen exclusive

Watchmen Exclusive

Friday, December 26, 2008

Post Christmas post.....

Well I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying your time off or at least having an easy day if you don't have off. Holidays went well around here, the monkey got all her presents from Santa and was extremely happy. She is currently playing on the floor in front of me with her dinosaur Spike. Who she is alternately loving and in abject fear of her gobbling her whole. Who I of course had the pleasure of assembling along with the multitude of other toys and gadgets.

It really wasn't to bad and it was more then worth it seeing how much she is enjoying herself now.

We got to see tons of family and had a minimum of drama which is always nice. Though I could have done without all of the driving. Talked to friends from London to California and they all had pretty good days which is also a plus. For everyone out there in cyber world I hope you found yourself among friends, family or both and had a wonderful time. Have a great new year all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Amazing Fantasy

Very cool reimaging of Amazing Fantasy by Anthony Castrillo.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Website Update

Some recent updates have been done to the Adam Zero website. With the Marshal Tyme section being updated and a new area added for the character of The Black Heron. Along with some other slight modifications. Be sure to take a look at it.

Anthony Lee Interview

Check out this interview with my buddy Anthony Lee the colorist of the Marshal Tyme backups. Nice little chat about Tyme starts it off.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Captain America

Saw this a while back and meant to post it. Nice little animation of Cap.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The League

A very well done student film that gets what most fan films don't. You can do alot more with your own original characters then with someone elses. Be sure to check out The League it's worth it.

The seeker has awakened.....

And he is coming....

Just when you thought he was gone for good a old foe keeps popping up in Adam Zero. Keep and eye out for the latest issue of Adam Zero as well as the new issues starting an entirely new story arc for Adam.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Art roughs

I know its been awhile since I got up some goodies for everyone. Well here we go again. These are some roughs from and upcoming backup in Adam Zero. They are done by Josh Mills and I must say the stuff I have seen so far is looking very promising. I should have another post soon with some Adam Zero goodness for you to enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2008



Thursday, December 11, 2008


So tomorrow begins my annual vacation. I'm starting the pilgrimage tomorrow and won't be back until next week and then it is all about the holidays. I'll be about but off doing a million little things I've been putting off. So I'll see how much I can post and keep everyone up to date on everything. But I can make no guarantees. I hope everyone has a good holiday season. Merry Christmas and all that good stuff.....


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

You knew someone would make a musical.....

Jack Black and Neil Patrick Harris..... Need I say more.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Battle of the Attic part 3

Well it's been decided that our new home will be playing host to the family Christmas eve activities. Which I am all for and pretty psyched about. But this means that a couple of things need to be done quickly to have the house up to par. Such as clearing out the bins and boxes cluttering up the kitchen while we get hvac work done. So this could mean only one thing.....I had to go back in the attic.

So that's what I did for a good part of the afternoon and last night. Moving boxes in and out maneuvering them around to try and get the maximum amount of room. All the while avoiding beams and plywood floors that tend not to stay down. I had the little monkey holding the stairs because she wanted to help while I moved things up and down. When I would get enough up I would rearrange to conserve space. But as I did this I failed to realize something. I actually worked myself into a corner and I mean that literally. There I was in the corner of my plywood end of the attic with boxes and bins all around me and no way out. I considered my options of just living out my days here as I could not believe I had actually been this foolish. But I then decided that it would mean the attic had won our battle of wills. So I set to work getting myself out of my predicament. I did this knowing that I of course would have to be replacing all of these boxes and bins all over again this time without boxing myself in. But yet again this wood cell has found a way to confound and annoy me. Perhaps I should just seal it off and never venture here again....

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Rebellious Bride

This is just to weird. Check this out.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


It is Thanksgiving in the good old USA. No offense to my crazy canuck friends who did this dance last month. But it is that time of year again, when family and friends gather and "enjoy" one anothers company. I must admit I am blessed with an abundance of friends and family. Some whom I see everyday and others who I only get to see from time to time. So for all those I didn't get to see or talk with today Happy Turkey day. And for those I did get to spend time with, thanks for not killing one another for at least one more year.

The turkey is all but gone and the games are almost done for the day and my lovely daughter is falling fast asleep to a reading of The Night Before Christmas. It was a good day of family fun and great food. On nights like these I miss absent friends most of all. I hope they are well and happy. And for those long gone, I hope they are at peace. Have a great holiday everyone and be careful out there.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Doctor Who?

It appears the betting on the new Doctor Who has reached it's apex with both Den of Geek and CBR saying that the new Doctor will be Patterson Joseph. Interesting choice, just hope the writing is up to what fans are expecting from new head writer Stephen Moffet.

Broccoli Books Folds

Another manga publisher going down. I do think this has to do with the economy but I also believe the market got bloated for awhile and this is necessary step to trim it down and make manga and graphic novels a permanent part of the establishment in the major book chains. Anyway check out the article.


It's almost Turkey day folks. I am trying to set up mobile blogging because I will be away for a few days. Have to visit the family with stops at the In-Laws and dad's. WOOHOO! Family time.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Battle of the attic part 2

So yesterday between watching wall e and flipping over to the Giants game I decided to put some more stuff into the attic. I had pulled out a bunch of Christmas decorations on Saturday as I was putting the lights on the house. And I wanted to get everything away and make some room for the boxes of ornaments I will be putting up there next week after we put up the tree.

Well I pull down the stairs and get walloped by an arctic frigging wind that seemed to be waiting just for me. I mean god, I thought I might lose my eyebrows to frostbite from the cold. Pushing through the chill I made my way up and turned on the light. As I started moving stuff around I decided that the best thing to do would be to move a series of plastic bins to the other side of the attic. I get through the three bins in short order and am happy to think I'll be getting out of the freezing cold attic shortly. Well what I failed to realize was when we put the plywood in we seemed to forget to nail down the very edge I had been lifting the bins off of. So I of course caught my foot on it fell forward and whacked my head off one of the many attic beams. I yelled out an expletive that I won't be repeating and I stood rubbing my head. I heard my daughter yell up to me and say "Daddy that's not a nice word!"

I swear this attic is out to get me!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rocket Ship

So what does one do on a Saturday night? Well if your me and your daughter has been asking for a rocket ship for a week now. You go to the craft store and make one for her. Now of course I could have just bought her one of the ones they sell there. Heck they even blast off. But I think she would enjoy that for about two minutes and then be done with it. So we went and picked up a bunch of gear at the store and away we went.

Problem was they didn't have a good cylinder to use at the craft store so we had to improvise. I found a wine case that fit the cone I was using for the top of the ship and figured I could use that. Then I got some felt with and adhesive backing in red at her request. And a bunch of foam pieces as well as ribbon for flames shooting out the bottom. All in all in took about and hour to cut everything up and make it serviceable. Had to improvise as the felt didn't hold well to the Styrofoam cone. So I used electrical tape to keep it in place. Which she loved and we decided to use along the cone for cool stripes. She glued pieces of foam all over the body of the ship and I cut fins out of the felt. And in the end we wound up with this.

Which by the way she loves and didn't want to stop playing with even as she was falling asleep. A fun time with your kid all for about ten bucks. A good Saturday night!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Now this is funny

The battle of the attic

As many of you know I bought a house recently and that tale alone is a long and twisted one. But now it has a new wrinkle. When we bought the house I understood that we had a decent size attic. Which I fully intended to use as we need the storage space, me being a collector of masses of useless items. The only issue at the time was that we had just scuttle access. Which anyone with boxes full of things knows just doesn't work, go ahead try and shove a box over your head while standing on a step stool and also getting it through a tiny hole at the same time. It ain't happening. So in the process of our heat conversion I was able to get attic stairs put in, which to this day I am thrilled about. Now of course I lost some space to the new furnace but nothing that would kill me.

I have recently begun the unenviable task of moving things into the attic. And it is has turned into a full blown war of me versus this cold and dark place. First we had to put in plywood to make sure I didn't fall through into the ceilings below. Then it was removing some of the insulation as it was overloaded. And now it is trying to configure what now seems to be to the most insanely put together space in my lifetime. Beams reach from here to there threatening my skull at ever turn, as my bruised noggin can attest. Plywood creaks under the strain of newly placed boxes. While also trying to configure some method where I won't have to move everything all over again when I need it, such as holiday decorations.

Then of course there is my love affair with books. Which maybe my mistress but are a pain in the ass to store. I keep telling myself I should donate them or otherwise dispose of them. But I keep hedging on it at every turn. And of course all my reference materials need to be close enough to my new stairs so that I don't have to dig to get to them. I know, I know just use the Internet. But now and again I do need to look in an actually book to be sure I am not incorrectly stating the time lines of the Roman emperors are some other such thing.

And it seems to me that at every turn this room finds ways to vex me. Be it bumping my head or almost falling through the ceiling or finding I can't stock boxes a certain way because it makes it impossible to get to another set of boxes. I keep fighting the battle but am now under the impression the battle will never cease. And in the end the damn attic will probably win.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Check it out

Be sure to check out the latest family offering.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Issue 4 update

Issue 4 will be off to the printer shortly. I'll let you know when it hits!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Adam Zero Reminder

Just a reminder to pick up the latest issue of Adam Zero at Indyplanet.

Star Trek bootleg

This won't last long check out the video while you can.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Conan......that might have been

Some Character designs for a never realized Conan cartoon by Bruce Timm. Talk about what might have been.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Lets see if this animated gif shows up......darn, well check it out here.

Vacation time

Alright I'm off for the next two weeks. Which means I will either be posting everyday or not at all. I have a bunch of things planned during this time. Not the least of which is finishing up some Adam Zero scripts and some lettering gigs. I figure tomorrow is pretty much a wash as I am going to the polls early to try and miss the lines. And then it is checking coverage all day for my final election fix.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Update

Spider-Girl got a huge haul and had a great time. She is now safely asleep and probably dreaming of all the weird costumes she saw today. Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween all! I will be off shortly to take Spider-Girl on her trick or treating around the neighborhood. Hope everyone has a happy and safe one. Remember to keep the kids out of the street when it gets dark!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Marshal Tyme

Here are some teaser images from and upcoming short of Masrhal Tyme by Barri Lang and Patrick Goodwin. These look great and the story by Barri is killer. I think you guys will really enjoy it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Self portrait

So this is a self portrait I did back in the day. Like I said in the last post I went through a bunch of old sketch books and found tons of stuff. This is one of myself.... not great but what the hell.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I'm going through all my old things trying to find some character sketches for and artist. And what do I come across but my old sketchbooks. These are from before I turned all my attention to writing and considered myself and artist. And I mean that in the loosest term possible. Anyway I was flipping through the pages and was pleasantly surprised to see some old ideas that I had tucked away in them. Now of course I'll be mining these old ideas in some way or another eventually. At least that is the hope. But what I did find interesting was being able to go back and see just how much I use to draw. I have a sketch in there for almost every person I use to hang out with. Some of whom I can't even remember their names anymore. But chances are if we hung out I sketched you and even more so for girls I dated. I probably have more sketches of girls then anything including a few I remember drawing rather vividly. Nothing in my opinion worked better in getting a girl to lose her inhibitions then asking her to pose for me to sketch. So thank you to all the ladies out there who posed for me at one time or another. Just makes me think......I should start drawing again.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fist of Justice Issue #3

Just wanted to give a shout out to the latest issue of Fist of Justice. It is out in store now so be sure to pick it up. The guys did a bang up job as usual.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The return of the FONZ!!!!!!!

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Steal Back Your Vote

Check out this comic book drawn regarding voter suppression. It is very cool that someone is using comics in an informative and interesting new way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Adam Zero Trailer

Wonder Woman Day

For anyone in NJ this weekend, be sure to check out the Wonder Woman day in Flemington. My good buddy Anthony D Lee has some artwork being auctioned off at the event. And its all for a good cause!!!!

More new pages

Some more newly inked pages. Eric Dotson once again on inks and Ray Francis on pencils. Pages on this are moving along nicely and I'm rather happy with the way they are turing out.

Also now working on a hush hush project....hmmmmm

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Debate

This seems oddly familiar.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Adam Zero new pages

This is a page from a later issue of Adam Zero done by Ray Francis (artwork) and Eric Dotson (inks). There is some interesting stuff coming up and I think the creative team on this arc of the comic is turning in some wonderful work.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Facebook Group

If you're on Facebook check out the Adam Zero group.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bogus Jefferson Quote

Being a writer I'm a sucker for a good quote. Also love founding father quotes so with all the economic turmoil I kept seeing this one pop up.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
-Thomas Jefferson

Of course I think what an interesting quote but then the little voice in my head kicks in. This is highly unlikely that a quote so perfect to this situation really exists. So through the power of google I begin to research. And pow of course it is bogus. Check it out. This seems to be a thing with me as I had a back and forth with a local politician in my hometown paper over "quotes" of the founding fathers.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hammer Sound

Check out Hammer Sound on Zuda and make sure to vote for it. Luan the letterer and I have worked together before and it is some wonderful stuff.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

SNL Debate

Friday, October 03, 2008

Adam Zero goodness

Talk about coolness. Mark is just knocking this out of the park.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Love me Dead"

Great song!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Upcoming issues

Well with issue three out and for sale, I figured now would be a good time for an update. Issue 4 is in the final lettering stage, as is the backup story. Issue 5 is getting and entire face lift and I am currently looking for an outside the box colorist to take on those chores. If anyone is interested drop me a line. Issue 6 has the main story complete and ready to go. The backup is in the drawing stages and I should be getting those pages soon. Issue 7 is being colored at the moment. Issue 8 is being done in a totally different style and look for what the book is use to up till now. I am rather interested to see how the final product looks on that one. As we've taken some real chances and made some interesting choices.

And issue 9 brings in a new artist to the team who will be with us for several issues and is very dynamic. I can't wait for you guys to get a look at his stuff.

There are a ton of twists and turns ahead as well as several new villains and story lines to keep you guessing. Also a new character will be joining the crew of the Ragnorak. I've talked about him some but he will be along for the ride shortly and I think you'll all like him. Some other recurring characters will also be turning up. And a fan favorite villain will also make his return in issue 4.

Issue 4 will also be wrapping up the plot lines from the first three issues and starting us out on and all new route. Lots of fun to come so hitch up and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adam Zero issues

Just a reminder that you can catch up on old issues of Adam Zero by picking them up at Indyplanet.

Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sketch Magazine

Check out the latest Sketch Magazine featuring Marshal Tyme colorist Anthony D. Lee.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So some of the characters in and upcoming issue of Adam Zero got a little redesign. Check it out. Art by the always awesome Mark Torres.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Playing catch up

After being sick for the better part of a week, I'm finally getting back to normal. Thanks for all the kind words and for the congrats on getting the latest issue out. Truth is I had the files done awhile ago and have been waiting for the printer to finish a few things up. But all is well and ready to go now.

Currently working on the finishing touches of Issue 4 including the new backup feature of "Who is The Black Heron?" Also finished some editing on a story I've got coming out in an upcoming anthology.

So took the kid shopping for her Halloween costume. Trust me you have to go early if you don't want your daughter dressed like some Britney Spears reject. And much to her mothers horror and my great pride she chose all on her own Spider-Man. Now everyone is telling her she is going to be Spider-Girl to which she angrily replies "NO, Spider-Man!" It really cracks me up.

By the way she did the Spider-Man webshot with no prompting from me. I wonder if this costume will make it to Halloween?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Issue #3

The latest issue of Adam Zero is ready to go. Make sure to check it out.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

sick as a dog

Out of commission at the moment....

Friday, September 12, 2008


I've come to realize many things from being a dad. Its an odd sensation knowing that you're responsible for the care of another human being. You're the one who has to take care of them when they are sick and get out of their way when they think they're ready to try things alone. Well my kid has thought she is ready basically since day one.

Having just started pre-school is kicking it into overdrive. She is loving it and making friends and all the while my friends have been telling me how old it makes them feel. Strangely it has been having the opposite effect on me. Perhaps its because when she comes home we are building castles out of sheets in the living room or digging for treasure in the backyard (from a map we made together). Maybe even because of the time I spend reading her books before bed time. But I do know it doesn't make me feel old.

I've had allot happen over the years that does. Burying friends at a young age, watching others marry and divorce, seeing friends fade away and seeing kids I know go off to war. After yesterdays anniversary it all seems kind of trivial, but its at times like these I think searching for treasure and building castles is well worth it. And makes me feel like a kid again even if I know the real world is just outside the window. But for those moments it is just a distant echo.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Secondhand Lions

Great speech and one all young men and boys should here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Writers write

So I've been writing my little heart out. Its a project that just hasn't wanted to leave my head for awhile now. And it seems my only recourse was to write the damn thing. It is one of the odd writer quirks where it just seems to be pouring out of me. I am letting the story and characters take me in which ever direction they see fit to go. By no means is this a masterpiece of fiction but it is getting me jump started and when I finish I will of course go back with a much crueler eye. But for the moment I am content to be putting words to paper and moving along at a brisk pace.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Jazma Online Interview

Be sure to check out my latest interview with the good folks over at Jazma Online.

Friday, September 05, 2008

R. Crumb Exhibit

For anyone around the Philly area this is definitely worth checking out. They are holding and exhibit of the works of comix creator R. Crumb who is nothing short of a genius. Even if you are not a big comic book fan his work is noteworthy for its adult themes and basically creating the "comix" sub genre. I'll be getting my butt down to see it as soon as I possibly can.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Stan Lee Presents

I get more of a kick out of this for the fact that Stan Lee just keeps pumping out the work. I swear the man never stops.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Adam Zero Video by Kong

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Adam Zero

Some shots of Adam Zero and a soon to be revealed bad guy.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

oh boy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Virgin comics done!

Virgin comics is going out of business check out the PW article. Guess having a bunch of comics "written" by actors and directors didnt go over to well with us geeks. Or should I say a bunch of after thought movie ideas that sucked didn't go over to well with us. Not much of a loss.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Check it out

Be sure to check out the new store at the official Adam Zero website.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pulp Heroes

I've been going over all of my old pulp magazines of late. And reading alot of the new stuff that is available in that genre. And I figured I would share some with everyone. If you're at all interested in seeing the roots of the comic book world then you should read the old pulps. Granted some are much better then others but here are a few to start with. Conan ,Doc Savage ,The Shadow, Doc Atlas and Captain Hazzard.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All Summer Long

Wanted to hate this song as I love the two songs that make it up. Werewolves of London is just a great tune and Sweethome is a classic. But I wound up liking this in the long run. Mostly because it reminds me of a certain redhead and the good ole days.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Spy Killer

It's all starting to come together. Here is a quick peek at a Spykiller page for everyone.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Please excuse the interupption......

Okay so I am going to rant for a bit here. I usually talk about my writing or some other such thing but I feel the need to vent a bit here. So for all those who don't wish to be pulled into the vortex of my everyday life I apologize.

It seems as of late I am having a bit of a crush of former "friends" contacting me or trying to in some form or another. Now for the most part this has been fine and pleasant. Most have just wished to catch up and or say hello. To which I have no problem with, what I do take issue with is people who can't seem to let go of the past. And slip into stalker mode. I mean my god its been forever and these people act like it all just happened yesterday. Was I not the nicest person to some of these people yes. I was an SOB at times I admit it. But what the hell people. I don't need to rehash it on a daily basis. And what I really don't need is people calling me at home or other places trying to "find" me. If I wanted to talk to you I would. If I don't call you back its because I don't want to, that simple. Get over it and move on, I have. So to all you stalkers out there "Hi psychos!" because I know your reading this just get over it and leave well enough alone.

Now not to discourage former friends to say hello this is not meant for everyone who has contacted me as of late. If your asking yourself does he mean me. I can pretty much guarantee it isn't you. Because these psychos would never ask themselves that. I've been happy to hear from some old friends and flames. Just not the inherently insane ones who won't leave me alone. Okay so that's my rant now off to have a drink because I could use one.

The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril

So I picked up and read The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont over the weekend. I hadn't heard of the book or talked to anyone who read it. But it was hardcover in a discount bin and when I read the jacket I was interested. How could I not be when the main charcaters are writers and pulp writers no less. Lester Dent, Walter Gibson I was sold right there. Well I won't spoil it for anyone but I will say it is worth a read if you like the pulps at all. It has a ton of history and little things thrown in that comic book fans could appreciate as well. And I must say this is the first book in a long while that I really enjoyed the Ending. So check it out!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Iron Man deleted scene

Friday, August 15, 2008


As some of you know my mom is Author Donna Fletcher. Hence the beefy looking romance guy on the right side of this post. Well her website is getting a facelift so go check it out!

Donna Fletcher

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Marshal Tyme

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I figured I would stop yammering and show you some pretty pictures. Here are several diffrent artists takes on Adam Zero. Art by Will Caligan, Rodrigo R Rodolfo and Brett "Kong" Wood.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Trick or treat?

In 1984 I was dressed as a gangster for Halloween. I had the pinstriped suit and the fedora, a magnum with a holster and a Tommy gun to boot. I also had the fake little mustache and for added affect I also had a scar. What can I say I liked bad guys and hell I grew up in Jersey we pretty much all liked gangsters.

So there we were a bunch of kids dressed as stormtroopers, football players and gangsters. When suddenly a neighbor of mine went running passed yelling how a certain kid (I figure I'll spare them the embarrassment of mentioning the name) was in trouble with his mom, and instead of giving out candy she was handing out his comic books as treats. The momentary glance we gave one another was fleeting as we all broke into a swift run towards his house. He had a hell of a collection and none of us wanted to be left out. At this point I learned to like gangsters less as I had on dress shoes and they are not good for running. Though my friend dressed as a football player fared worse as he wore cleats. He was left far behind in a pile of bushes as I remember.

When we made it to the house there was already a line and we jumped in all excitedly talking about what was happening. As we got up to the door and rang the bell we were giddy. His mom answered with him in tow and a large bin of comics. His face sank when he saw us cause he knew we all liked comics and would probably take his favorites. I felt bad for him but it didn't stop me from diving in and searching through the comics. She let us each take five. It was like Christmas Day, I found myself three rare X-Men and a Spider-Man and Fantastic Four I needed. My friends picked out there loot as well and we all smiled and waved as we walked away.

We saw nameless the next day and he refused to talk about the comics. We asked him what he'd done and he wouldn't say. I always wondered what could have been so bad as to loose your comic collection. I never did find out but as I was cleaning out some boxes I came across those very issues that I had taken that day. It reminded me if the whole sorted scene and made me laugh to think of my gangster days.

Monday, August 04, 2008


Whenever I talk to someone about writing they always ask me where I get my ideas. The answer sadly is usually very mundane. I see something I find interesting and slowly work it into something that can on a good day be read. Be it a news story or a name ideas come from all over the place. And most of all from daily life. But that being said they can take on a life of their own.
Case in point, I had heard a lecture about two years ago on a favourite author of mine. And during the interview I heard something mentioned about them I had never known. I liked the sound of it so much I wrote it down on a receipt in my pocket. When I returned home I placed it in my nightstand and quickly forgot about it.

Then a year ago I was watching a program about another subject and wanted to jot something down all I could find was that piece of forgotten paper. I scribbled yet another thing on and returned it to the nightstand once again.

Now as most of you know we had the big move recently where I was forced to go through my things and discard as much "junk" as I could. Well up popped the note and though it had no value I could not part with it because in it somewhere I felt was a good idea that I may want to use one day. So I faithfully tucked it into a moving box and promptly forgot all about it.

And finally we come to last night when I was mulling over a story idea I had but could not for the life of me make work. I decided to just scribble a few notes and when I checked my nightstand I was bewildered to realize I'd yet to put anything back into it. Though I fleetingly thought of my receipt full of ideas. I trudged off to bed annoyed and cursing myself for not thinking ahead and dropping some scrap paper into the drawer.

But a curious thing happened because as I slept my mind took all those wonderful little pieces I had been gathering on that "junk" paper and blended them into a story. Now of course I woke up this morning with this story complete and ready for the page in my head. So for most of the day this is all I have been able to think about. The next step is to get it all down on paper.

Well now at least when people ask me where I get my ideas I can just say in my dreams.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Animated

Check out the Animated Buffy before they take it down. HURRY!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update time, as it's been awhile.

Well haven't I been a naughty SOB. With the move to the new house and all the renovations I have been rather lax with updating the blog. Which I have been trying to correct with the new posts. I know what your thinking "Just shut up Fletcher and tell us about the funny books." Well if you're going to be that way about it fine.

Adam Zero issue three is complete and issue four is not far behind. We were running late with the backup in issue three but that is behind us and we are ready to roll. Issue four has the backup now being colored by the ever talented Zack Turner. Who is growing ever busier as his services are rightly very in demand.

Marshal Tyme is going to be collected into a trade paperback and possibly a graphic novel. I have a publisher interested in marketing it to school libraries as a way to get kids interested in history. Which heck thats cool by me. I'm also working on some new original material for the good Marshal. And my good buddy Anthony D Lee is trying to put away his English accent and write a fun Marshal Tyme story for us. Which after reading the first few pages he is doing very well. How a Brit can so easily write old west slang is a mystery I choose not to explore.

Spykiller is out making the submission rounds (Ugh I know the looming ax of rejection hangs ever present) while Marcelo and the team work on finishing the first issue. It is looking wonderful and the grayscale pages really give an atmosphere to the book. It is by far my most violent book to date and of the more adult variety. But I still think the spy genre can be mined by the comic community.

Other then that working on side projects with Kong and Barri "Clubber" Lang (another Brit with a thing for old west slang, maybe I should look into that).

The house is great if not in great shape. We've completely redone the floors and the bathroom. My brother is putting in new HVAC for us which is nice but costly. And my daughter is thrilled with her new pink room. The yard is a complete disater and will be for the short term as I do not have enough hours in the day to take care of it yet. And my "office" is just wall to wall boxes. Yup I know I just had to go buy a house didn't I?

Wizard World Chicago

Trin and Eric pimped out Adam Zero last month at Wizard World Chicago! Thanks GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DC Online

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Comics are taking over......

Check out comics on both the major candidates.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Golden Age

Magno The Magnetic Man and Davey, golden age characters who just might be popping in from time to time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Save the Internet

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Invincible Behind the Scenes

Check out for the video.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adam Zero Cover to issue 3