Friday, February 29, 2008

Iron Man Baby

Iron Man Exclusive Trailer

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Man I am just pimping out the movies lately.

Issue #2

Issue #2 of Adam Zero will be available from soon. I will post the link as soon as I have it. In the meantime here is some Adam goodness for all to enjoy.

And here is some coolness from the backup story involving marshal Tyme.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Master of the Pulps

Quick little video on the master of the pulps Lester Dent.

Dark Knight

Some coolness come out before the next movie.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


New work

So I've been working with Marcelo Salaza on a new comic. It revolves around spies and lots of intrigue. Its been a fun bit of work and it is always great to work with someoneas talented and versatile as Marcelo. Here are a few pages from the upcoming work.

Marcelo has really outdone himself with these. And you guys will love the rest of the book lots of action and some real characters to sink your teeth into. I'll make sure to keep you up to date on it.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Well the weekend is here and I am thrilled. Even with the amount of snow we got last night that made the first half of the day a mess to contend with. I am just happy it is the end of the week and I actually don't feel totally horrible. Which after the last few weeks is a huge plus. Though I am nervous that I will get sick all over again. I will be keeping my fingers crossed.

So the debate last night didn't have any real fireworks. Which was a little disappointing but it was still informative. Though I think Obama has it pretty well sewn up.

And finally what you all really care about a pin up of Adam Zero. This one is one of my personal fav's from marvelous Mark Torres who is doing a later issue of Adam Zero. And whom I am trying to get to do a little more then that. He has a great style and is just a wonderful artist. And as a treat it also has Kitana in it.....WOOHOO!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The BIG Debate

So we get another fun debate tonight from the Dem's. Should be interesting with Hil having to come out swinging and seeing if Obama can keep the lead. With nothing better on tv I bet the ratings are through the roof for this one. Looking forward to some fireworks on this one.

Still fighting being sick but feeling a little bit better. So hopefully the weekend won't be a total waste like last weekend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Frontier

Fighting a nasty bout of flu. Second time in two months. Here is another video clip for you all.


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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Time to bust out the fedora

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The inked version of the very cool DeAndre' Truesdale pin-up of Adam Zero. Just something about this one I love. This one will have a very special place when I use it.

Issue 2 is all sewn up and ready for primetime. I'll let you all know when it hits. I have also been looking at e-books lately and may start to sell some that way as well. If I decide to go that route you can be sure I'll post about it.

Well last night while the wife watched AI I decided to get some stuff but wound up sitting down and watching The Shadow with Alec Baldwin. Now I seem to remember going to the movies to see this and either walking out or being more involved with whomever I was with. but either way I didn't miss much. While crammed with references to the pulps and the radio show the movie set a very campy tone and was almost unbearable. I mean come on Mongol warriors walking around NYC and know one even bothers to notice! Alec Baldwin was servicable as Lamont Cranston, but why all the odd makeup to distort his face. Just so you could get close to the look of the pulp covers. His voice was perfect and in some scenes he was very good but nothing could prop up an all over the place script and just plan odd direction. It's a shame as The Shadow is the true precursor to Batman and really could be a great character on the big screen. Supposedly Sam Raimi has the rights now so perhaps we'll finally get a good Shadow movie, afterall Darkman is just a huge rip off of the Shadow. One can only hope.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Con updates

Well I just did a reorder on the first order of Adam Zero and sent it off for EIC Diana from Ronin. She'll have the issues for sale at Wizard World LA. I think I may also ship her some mini posters and some other stuff. I may not be able to be there but at least I can help fill up the table.

Also trying to work out the logistics of going to the Emerald City Comic Con. Along with a few others this year. but that one is a wee bit more difficult as it is on the other coast. I would really like to attend the Heroes Con this year, as I have heard a ton of great stuff about it. Once I know the final word on all things I'll post it and of course get lots of pictures if I do go.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

More try outs

More try- outs for a later issue. This is from after issue 6 and there are some clues to future stories shown here. More astute readers will be able to pick out some of the characters that have already made appearances. I like the artwork and think it has some real pop.
At this point it's an entirely diffrent story arc so its rather hard for me to comment on it more then that without giving something away. But as we get closer I'll give little hints here and there. Since most of the issues are littered with little nods to other stories and things that have already happened in the past. Hopefully it is done on a way that it doesn't distract from the current story.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Another day

Well the pin-up I had posted earlier is done being inked and is now off to be colored. I think it'll tur out rather nice and I am looking forward to seeing it finished. Who knows maybe i'll use it as a cover somewhere down the line.

I also have a new artist working on another short for Marshal Tyme for issue 3. I can't wait to see the pages as I think his style will work really nicely with the character. Once I get some pages I'll post them for you guys to check out. Also considering collecting all the Marshal Tyme stories into a trade. I'll look it over and see how much it would cost and if it is worth doing or not.

So Super Tuesday came and went and nothing has really changed. besides the fact that Mitt Romney refuses to see reality. Something about that guy just rubs me the wrong way. I like McCain much better, though I liked him more back in 2000 when he really should have been the nominee over W. And Huckabee is just a total long shot with a plan for the "fair tax" thing that would never work. It'll just create a huge blackmarket culture. the Dems are neck and neck and I am wondering when they'll decide its better to join forces then keep cutting into one another. I like Obama and don't really by the whole lack of experience thing. It's not like I really trust a longterm politician anymore then I would him. Hiliary is by far the smartest candidate out there and the woman knows her stuff. Should be and interesting couple of months.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

This is a pin-up by the great DeAndre' Truesdale over at Ronin. Though with a nice background I bet it could be a cover in a cinch. Jesse "Cadre" Hansen is inking it up for me and I am hoping to have it ready for issue two. Everything is moving along nicely and I'll keep you all posted.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Friday, February 01, 2008

Rainy Day

It is coming down like a monsoon outside right now. It's one fo those days where you are really unsure what time it is because when you look around it is already dark even though its only noon. But anyway I am doing some rewrites and also trying to get some other stuff done. And really not doing a good job either way. Just one of those days I suppose.

I hit up my LCS yesterday and picked up a good stack. Was able to read through a bunch of course the two I was most interested in were Fist of Justice #1 and Superpowers #0. Foj came out very good and I really liked the artwork and Mike did a nice job with the story. Superpowers is more of a lead in to the series and I loved the artwork, though I was a little iffy with the amount of "magic" used int he story. there seems to be alot of magic going on these days in comics and not in a good way. I hope this is explained better as they get into things with the golden age heroes.

Watched the debates last night and felt they both came off better for it. The night before there was just to much vitirol between the candidates. We get it you guys don't like each other now shut up and tell us why we're better off with you then someone else. Well anyway.

Finished all the prespress for Issue 2. Both stories are ready to go and I also have two pin-ups for the issue. Now I am working on a little piece about my gramps and Adam Zero creator for the book. A little run down of the history of the character if you will. That should be fun and interesting. Till next time.