Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Hi all

Hi all I know I haven't been posting here regularly since I moved on over to Rayguns & Sixshooters. So I just want to let everyone know who still checks this blog that I'll be posting over there more often then I do here. SO follow me on over and check out the other guys posts while your at it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Blog

Finally finished up the Small Press Idol contest. We wound up winning a cover slot on the Mysterious Visions Anthology. Which I am very happy about and am looking forward to doing. I must say that I am glad to be done with the contest as it was consuming the better part of my days. And really forced me to cut back on working on all the other stuff I should be doing. well for everyone who thought I disappeared give me some time to get everything in order and I will start getting back to everyone. I have a ton of e-mail and other work to get through so give me a little time and I'll get back to you.

Now on to other things. I just started a new blog with some other comic book creators over at and we're all going to be posting about our projects and other things comic related. So stop by and check it out. Should be alot of fun.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Green Lantern trailer

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Adam Zero #1 online

Adam Zero #1 Adam Zero #1 Raygun Press Adam Zero is a thief, soldier, pirate, and the last of his kind hunted by trophy seekers and bounty hunters alike. When the Purge Virus wiped out humanity he was all that remained, alone and trying to stay alive he takes any job he can get and does whatever it takes to survive.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pink eye

Yup I got pink eye. My daughter had it and we had thought we'd escaped getting it but we didn't. My one eye is pretty much a mess and now it seems like the other might be going that way as well. The wife has also come down with it and the poor kid has it all over again. We are once again doing the mass cleaning hoping to eradicate any germs, but this has pretty much brought a halt to all writing and editing activates. Which is a real bummer considering we are right near the deadline for DS over at Small Press Idol. So I'm really hoping the eye drops I got from the Doctor are going to help. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Battling Yank

Battling Yank logo concept!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Original sketches of Chloe from DS.

Here are some of the first sketches of Chloe Masters from back when me and D began talking about DS.

New DS Website

Check out the new Doorknob Society website.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

James from DS

James in action from DS. Last day of voting everyone so get on over there and vote for the Doorknob Society!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chloe from DS

A completed version of the action shot of Chloe from the Doorknob Society!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Latest DS standings

With your support we've moved up to number 14. Which I am thrilled about. Now we just need to keep it up, I'd like to get some more new voters so that we're ready to play with the big boys like Faction and White Rose when round three comes up.

1.) 974 Votes (+49) - 103 Voters ( +1) Faction - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
2.) 622 Votes (+41) - 123 Voters ( +3) Maddie Scientist - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
3.) 587 Votes (+76) - 113 Voters ( +4) The Underground - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
4.) 515 Votes (+68) - 115 Voters ( +2) The White Rose - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
5.) 468 Votes (+26) - 61 Voters ( +1) The Machine - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
6.) 411 Votes (+18) - 68 Voters ( NC) Hometown Heroes - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
7.) 400 Votes (+18) - 59 Voters ( NC) The Associate - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
8.) 354 Votes (+26) - 82 Voters ( +1) Steel Rising - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
9.) 331 Votes (+22) - 59 Voters ( NC) Haxxor - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
10.) 278 Votes (+17) - 52 Voters ( +1) Varsity Squad - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
11.) 229 Votes (+17) - 39 Voters ( +2) Dogman and Lester - Judges Vote: 2 No.
12.) 213 Votes (+18) - 49 Voters ( NC) Mr. Man - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
13.) 198 Votes (+14) - 29 Voters (2NC) Project Mercury - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
14.) 193 Votes (+29) - 54 Voters ( +3) The Doorknob Society - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
15.) 184 Votes (+18) - 44 Voters ( +2) Earthman - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
16.) 180 Votes (+20) - 41 Voters ( +1) Diary of a Teenage Heroine - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
17.) 130 Votes (+20) - 38 Voters ( +1) Monsters of Love - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
18.) 124 Votes (+11) - 28 Voters (2NC) Dead Duck - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
19.) 96 Votes (+27) - 34 Voters ( +8) Boulder Colorado - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
20.) 93 Votes ( +8) - 24 Voters (2NC) Thread of Valor - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
*************** *******The Dreaded Line**************** ************
21.) 88 Votes (+16) - 25 Voters ( NC) Dinos - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
22.) 83 Votes (+25) - 35 Voters ( +9) Nevil Von Dunst - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
23.) 70 Votes (+11) - 25 Voters ( +1) Quick Draw - Judges Vote: 2 Yes.
24.) 67 Votes (+23) - 31 Voters ( +9) Chaoskind - Judges Vote: 2 No.
25.) 48 Votes (+10) - 20 Voters ( +4) EAST - Judges Vote: 3 Yes.
26.) 22 Votes ( +2) - 9 Voters ( NC) APOC: Hel's Kitchen - Judges Vote: 3 Yes
27.) Parahero Will be a Back Up Feature in Mysterious Visions Anthology.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Watch the season (series?) finale of Chuck.

Friday, April 24, 2009

DS position

We're currently in 17th position in Small Press Idol. It dosent mean we're doing terribly since we were the last project posted by the deadline. It just means we need to get the votes to keep rolling in. For the next round we are already working hard to be in on the first day of the competition. That way we can really build up a nice vote tally. But for right now please take the time and go vote for the Doorknob Society.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chloe Masters The Doorknob Society

James Nightshade from DS

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Round two voting

The Doorknob Society is open to public voting over in small press idol. So please head on over and vote for us. We need to make up some serious ground to the projects who've already gotten votes. You can vote once a day until the end of the month.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Doorknob Society Round 2

I've crawled out of hibernation for a moment. Just submitted the round 2 entry for Small Press Idol. I'll be able to post the work here as well once voting is under way. Be sure to check it out and vote for us so that we can get DS into the next round. Now it is back to work getting the round three entry ready just in case. ;)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Adam Zero post

Sorry been so busy with Doorknob Society I haven't been around. here is a little something for everyone. ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Round 2 Voting for Small Press Idol!

Round 2 of Small Press Idol begins tomorrow, April 1st. For anyone who hasn't signed up over at the forums to vote I would urge you to do it now. That way when its time you can just log on and vote quickly. And remember you can vote every day to really keep our numbers up.

We will need every vote we can get so tell your friends and family. And hopefully we can get DS into Round 3!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Joy of Comics

When I was younger I was an avid comic book fan. I use the term fan because I wasn't a collector until I got slightly older and grew concerned about having my childhood comics to read. I unlike some people was never in it for money, I didn't care how much a given issue would fetch me some day. This was long before the days of E-Bay and your only real source of comic sales were stores and conventions anyway. But I was more interested in getting complete runs of series. I can still vividly recall finding old issues of comics in long boxes stacked in dusty old stores and happily adding it to my collection. With the advent of trades and now digital comics this is no longer necessary. My old comic books now sit snugly in my attic tucked away in a corner where I rarely venture. I think about taking and issue out now and again but most of the time it isn't worth the hassle. But something strange has happened recently that made my struggle with what to do with my collection come into perspective.

My daughter has begun getting her own comics. She picks up Savage Dragon, Tiny Titans and Batman Brave and the Bold. Also anything with Spider-Man and Wolverine ( though I try to censor those a bit since most aren't for small children) and just this past week she got the first issue of The Incredibles. Which also happens to be her favorite movie. In the few days she has had the comic it has been turned into a treasure map and a spyglass. It also has had numerous trips in the family car as she reads it over and over while we drive. And by reads I mean makes up a story to go along with the pictures in the issue. It is already battered and beaten and is not close to mint condition, but I would suggest that this comic has given her more fun then anything that may have ended up bagged and boarded and only read once in a blue moon.

I think this is a point my generation has missed the mark on greatly. Comic books are disposable entertainment. Not something to be hidden away in the corner of the attic. We rail against people destroying our childhood by making movies that don't conform to our memories. Or comics that lack what the ones from our childhood made us feel. But the whole time what we are really doing is ruining it for the next generation. We've made comic lovers a smaller and smaller group by excluding anyone who doesn't hold comics as some high art form. When most times it is a guy in a goofy costume made to entertain kids.

The rush of the digital age will most likely save comics from the scrap bin of history and thankfully new generations will discover the joy of reading comics. But something is lost in translation when a kid can't just roll a comic up and stick it in their back pocket. So next time you're at the local comic shop pick something up for your kid and let them destroy the thing, after all that's what comics are for.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doorknob Society

For anyone interested go on over and check out the forum for Doorknob Society. And you'll get to see all the latest info on the comic.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DKS Promo

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Doorknob Society

Here is a new ad for the The Doorknob Society. I'll be posting a bunch of these so feel free to grab them and drop them around the net. Every little bit helps. Thanks all.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Doorknob Society in Small Press Idol

The Doorknob Society is a story idea I've been working on for awhile now. I submitted it over at the Small Press Idol competition and its just made it through round 1. I'm working on it with DeAndre Truesdale and hopefully we can go far with it. So please go check it out and during round 2 remember to vote for us.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


You'll be hearing more about this shortly. Its a new concept I've been working on for awhile now and DeAndre Truesdale has been good enough to join the team and help out.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Superhero shilling

When I talk to other creators we often find ourselves discussing what path comics in general will take in the future. Most agree that it'll find a true home online and in the mobile world. Maybe even amazon will get on board and make a kindle that can display comic books. But I think one thing we tend to miss is good old fashioned marketing. If you take a look over at cisco you'll find they have Mike Mayhew doing a new webcomic for them that ties into their different types of infrastructure. It is presented semi animated that are all the rage now such as Invincible and Watchmen, motion comics. This goes back to the days of superheroes and comics in general shilling for all kinds of companies.

It got me thinking about all the old ads they use to run with heroes shilling for different companies. So I found a bunch of them online and have them here for you guys to check out. It really seems like superheroes loves to eat twinkies and other junk food.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Raiders of the Lost Ark

This is awesome check out this blog that has a breakdown of the 1978 story conference regarding Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is practically a primer for anyone interested in writing. Especially good for screenwriting and comics if you ask me.

Hey, guys, you’re going to love this (and thanks, Viktor).

There is a link now available to download the 125-page transcript (in the form of a .pdf document) of the original 1978 story conference between Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Lawrence Kasdan for a little film called Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Some background first. Spielberg suggested that Kasdan write Raiders because he admired his Continental Divide script. Lucas agreed.......

Monday, March 09, 2009

Adam Zero #5

Sneak peek at #5 of Adam Zero.

Adam Zero TPB

I'm now working on the Adam Zero trade which should be out soon collecting the first four issues. here is a possible cover for you guys to check out.

I also have some news regarding Marshal Tyme I should be able to talk about in a few days. Marshal Tyme fans should be pretty excited about this and I am looking forward to sharing with you guys.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Win a copy Marshal Tyme

Over at Musings of a Wordsmith they are running a contest to win copies of Marshal Tyme. Be sure to check it out and win a copy of the new Marshal Tyme comic book.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Marshal Tyme Diaries

Pick up the collected Marshal Tyme stories now available over at Indyplanet.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Adam Zero pinup

Pinup done by Atula Siriwardane over at the Adam Zero fan page on Facebook. Sorry I've been sick for a few days finally feeling better so I should be posting regularly once again. It was nice to also get the snow day today so hung out with the little monkey and played in the snow which is always a good time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Den of Geek

As promised I wanted to let you guys know I am writing pieces for the Den of Geek website. they'll mostly center on comic book related topics, and I'll be sure to drop a link when I have a new article. Be sure to check out the first one.

The 10 most promising new comicbook creators

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'll have a little surprise for all the regulars tomorrow. I want to keep it under wraps until then, it is a new gig I have that I'll be sharing with you guys from time to time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tales of the Black Freighter

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Battlin' Yank

Fighting Yank was a golden age hero that eventually fell into the public domain along with other Standard comic book characters like The Black Terror. I've always been a sucker for golden age heroes and was interested in Fighting Yank as far back as the AC version of him, and enjoyed the Terra Obscura take on the character. Now of course they have another version over in Project Superpowers Hardcover.
I decided a while back to do my own version as a backup in Adam Zero. And this is just the first few pages, with art by the great Josh Mills and colors by Brian Gabrillo. I hope to have some shots of my Battlin' Yank shortly, yes a little name change along with some other tweaks to the character as well.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The Supremacy


February 10th, 2009
Chris Carpenter
Hard Way Studios
_Administrator@hardwaystudios.com_ (


Spruce Pine, NC; February 9th 2009- Hard Way Studios announced today that
their most recent book titled The Supremacy will start solicitation. This is a
new project that is created by Hard Way Studios with Atomic Pop Art
Entertainment Publishing the five issue mini series. Hard Way Studios is the creators
of past comics such as Morbid Myths Published by Alterna Comics (named one of
the top 40 independent comics of 2007 by Wizard magazine) and House at the
Edge of Nowhere Published by Bloodfire Studio (coming late 2010). This book is
slated to be on comic book stores in May 2009.

Hard Way Studios’ Chief Editor says, “The accomplishments by this wonderful
creative team are amazing. This may be the best story of this type to hit
the market in many years. From the perspective and insight of Peter G. to the
great story telling abilities of Dwayne Biddix, Rob Lansley, Anthony Lee and
Jay La Valley, this story hits hard from the beginning and doesn’t let up
until the last page of issue 5.”

Dwayne Biddix, the man responsible for the pencil work on The Supremacy
said, “I am very happy with the end result of this project. Seeing the project go
from an idea to a completed mini series is amazing. I think that the people
that pick up this book will be pleasantly surprised what their few bucks has
gotten them this time. I am very excited to get this book out there and see
the response of the wider audience.” With the excitement radiating from these
creators the book is sure to be at least something that these two companies
can be proud of.

This project is targeted at the fans of seeing a story told in a different
light. This project focuses around the opposite side of the spectrum as what
most of the comics of the same subject matter. With this new way of telling
this type of story, this book promises to be something fans of this genre wouldn
’t expect.

Of this new cooperation of Hard Way Studios and Atomic Pop Art Entertainment
for the release of The Supremacy, Tracy Duty, President and Publisher of
Atomic Pop Art Entertainment says, “I truly think we have something to be proud
of here and we are excited to be working together on this new type of
endeavor.” On the same subject, Chris Carpenter, Chief Editor of Hard Way Studios
says, “I am truly honored to work with Mr. Duty on this large scale undertaking
and we look forward to doing more projects with him in the near future.”

Atomic Pop Art Entertainment, LLC, was founded in 2008 by Tracy Duty as an
independent publishing and production company that is dedicated to the
production of company owned and licensed properties, and creator- owned comic book,
original graphic novels, collected trades, and other illustrated
publications. For further press release and other marketing information please contact us
at _marketing@atomicpopart.net_ ( or visit
us at _www.atomicpopart.net_ (

Hard Way Studios is the creators of past comics such as Morbid Myths
Published by Alterna Comics (named one of the top 40 independent comics of 2007 by
Wizard magazine) and House at the Edge of Nowhere Published by Bloodfire
Studio (coming late 2010). This book is slated to be on comic book stores in May
2009. For more info about Hard Way Studios contact Chris Carpenter at
_administartion@hardwaystudios.com_ ( Or
visit then at _www.hardwaystudios.com_ (

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A few more tweaks

Some minor edits, still not finished.

Adam Zero page

Here is a mock up of a page from a special issue of Adam Zero. The whole issue is being done in Kong-O-Vision. Which is a funky way of saying from the the mind of my buddy Brett Wood who did the very cool artwork for this project.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

More Watchmen

Sunday, February 01, 2009

This is going to be big!

Well with Diamond changing their ordering system like I discussed a few days ago, we knew things would be changing. Well now the guys over at Ka-blam have changed things entirely. They just debuted Comicsmonkey an online distribution model. This could be very big for indie comics as it handles alot of our overhead. Things they are a changing folks.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Adam Zero website is down due to it being hacked. It is currently undergoing revision to secure it and return it to normal function. Sorry guys.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just to let you all know I am working against a Jan 31st deadline and let me tell you it is going to be tight. Hopefully I can put some pages up to give you guys an idea of the goodness. But I have to run it past the editor first. Well back to the grindstone.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

One year

Jeez its only been a year since I started the blog. It feels a lot longer then that, I would suppose partly because of my old blog I gave up for this one. It has been a busy year comics wise and with life as well. Lots of great stuff happened with Adam Zero having four issues. Getting shorts published in a couple of anthologies that'll be coming out in the next year. Buying the new house was also a major shake up that nearly drove me mad. But things are settling back down and there is some great stuff on the horizon and I'll keep you guys informed. Have a good one all.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dr. Manhattan....

Stuff like this is certainly trying hard to get geeks excited. And it seems to be working.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Marshal Tyme collected

The increasingly popular Marshal Tyme is getting his first three adventures collected in its own book. The Marshal Tyme Diaries. This book will include the stories Robot Raiders, Dinosaur Hunt and The Train Job. And fear not happy reader Marshal Tyme will be making his return in a story by my pal Barri Lang and it has space monkeys in it. Yup Monkeys from space you heard me. And after that Coloring genius and Leader of the monkey armies Anthony D Lee has a two part Marshal Tyme tale to follow. If this keeps up the good Marshal will need his own book.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Future

With yesterdays news of Diamond by all accounts raising its threshold across the board. Most small press and self publishers are waving the white flag and saying this is the end.

I disagree I just think this pushes all the small publishers online where they have a real chance. i think the age of digital comics started today. Iverse media is already touting that they will have full digital distribution. And then you have places like Flashback Universe that put out a great digital product. SO don't buy into all the doom and gloom, I think we'll all be alright if we're smart about how we handle this new medium, I think we could see a whole new era of comics growth and some companies to compete with the big boys!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Shadow Knows....

My new favorite video of the Pulp hero, The Shadow.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Adam Zero Pages

Here are some more pages penciled by Raymond Francis and inked by Eric Dotson. The guys are doing a wonderful job on this next story arc! And this is the first shot everyone is getting of a new character in the Zeroverse, Major Echo. Hope you all enjoy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hulk vs Wolverine

Monday, January 12, 2009

Football, Alcohol and friends.....

Well the game went horribly as anyone who tuned in saw. Giants were terrible and just blew a perfeclty good season in the most terrible of ways. The Eagles just wanted it more and had a chip on their shoulder the G-men couldnt stack up. Most of the interest on my part had to do with watching drunk eagles and Ginats fans fight with one another and get thrown out of the game. Clueless twits this is why I don't want to bring my kid to games. because it has turned into not a family affair but a bunch of drunk guys showing how tough they and their team is.....right. Good to see my friends and get to hang out, does make me remember why I left North Jersey.

Lets see between the four of us who went. One got punched, one got tackled and one walked home. Yup you heard me walked! And he lives in Hoboken, he got a ride eventually. :)

Tomorrow its back to talking about comics and Adam Zero.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Giants game

In North Jersey for the Giants game tomorrow. This should be very cool, i'll be sure to post about it during the week. Hopefully I won't freeze to death!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Adam Zero Issue 4

Adam Zero issue 4 is now for sale. Check it out peeps!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Back from Holiday

Yes I am alive and back from holiday. Although my tablet didn't make it out alive as it was eaten by a virus. So I am now using Ubuntu as my main system and looking at a MAC as everyone has told me time and again to get one for all the graphics work I do. I figure we should start the new year off right so here are some misc. pages from upcoming comics work.