Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New pin up

New pin up of Adam Zero done by Marcelo Salaza. Like the different take on Adam and the background is kicking.

So I just finished doing all the prepress on issue 2 of Adam Zero. And now I am finishing the prepress of the backup Marshal Tyme story. All the lettering is finished on it and I am just proof reading before I finish up the pages. But it should be done on time and out in February.

Issue three is finished being colored and the lettering is done on the first few pages. Some story tweaks are being done and bringing everything in line with future story lines. The backup for the issue is currently looking for and artist though I think I found one. If not the backup will have to switch from Marshal Tyme to one of my other completed stories at the moment.

Work on the crossover project is also moving ahead but that is all mum for the moment. More details will be revealed when I'm allowed.