Thursday, November 27, 2008


It is Thanksgiving in the good old USA. No offense to my crazy canuck friends who did this dance last month. But it is that time of year again, when family and friends gather and "enjoy" one anothers company. I must admit I am blessed with an abundance of friends and family. Some whom I see everyday and others who I only get to see from time to time. So for all those I didn't get to see or talk with today Happy Turkey day. And for those I did get to spend time with, thanks for not killing one another for at least one more year.

The turkey is all but gone and the games are almost done for the day and my lovely daughter is falling fast asleep to a reading of The Night Before Christmas. It was a good day of family fun and great food. On nights like these I miss absent friends most of all. I hope they are well and happy. And for those long gone, I hope they are at peace. Have a great holiday everyone and be careful out there.